All you need to know about hair follicles

Hair specialist is the one who can give you advice and treatment regarding hair follicles and hair growth. So you need to contact the best hair doctor in case of inactive hair follicles.

Strong and healthy hair is everyone’s dream, but it is only possible when your hair follicles are healthy and active. Hair follicles are small packets like holes in hair skin. When they are active and grow, hair grows with them. According to the American academy of dermatology, an average human only has 100,000 hair follicles on the scalp. Hair follicles produce each hair strand, so you must know about it. That is why you need to take care of your scalp and hair follicles to maintain your hair health. 

Hair follicles have an important role in hair growth. Other than that, they give form to new blood vessels and neuron cells. Hair specialist is the one who can give you great advice and treatment regarding your hair follicles. Your natural hair color is also determined by the melanin present in hair follicles. Besides all these factors, hair shape also changes due to hair follicles as if the hair follicles are in a circle shape, then the hair looks straight, and if your hairs look curly, then it is because of oval-shaped follicles. It means that hair follicles play an important role in your growth, hair color, volume, and strength.

Phases of hair follicles’ life cycle

There are four phases of the hair follicles life cycle: A growth phase, the Transition phase, the resting phase, and the Shedding phase. It means that older hair gets replaced by new hair in the hair growth cycle. Around 90% of the hair on the scalp is active during the growth phase. Hair gets the necessary nutrients and grows actively in this phase. The hair strand in this phase grows about 1 cm. 

In the transition phase, hair detaches from follicles and starts to transition from growth to the resting phase. It is the shortest phase and takes 3 to 4 months.

In the resting phase, hair starts to fall from the scalp. In this phase, hair completely hangs from the head and waits for an external force, such as a comb, to fall from the head. In the last phase of the hair follicles cycle, which is shedding, hair completely falls from the follicles. But new hair starts regressing from where previous strands fall off. 

What hinders growth in hair follicles?

Many possibilities can put a stop to hair follicles which, as a result, stop the growth. The factors include:

1.            Anxiety or stress

For whatever reason, you are under so much stress that it will affect the hair follicle. The stress may be due to covid, the loss of a loved one, marital issues, etc. all these lead to thinning of the hair follicle, which n result, make your hair thin, and it will eventually die off, but with proper nourishment, it can be recovered.

2.            Indigestion

It is true that indigestion plays a major role in hair development and growth and its arrangement. If you eat unhealthily or have an improper diet, it will cause you indigestion; how will your hair get the nutrients it needs for healthy hair follicles? So it is important to eat healthy to get the nutrients for desired hair.

3.            Hormonal imbalance

Health issues like PCOS, thyroid, and insomnia cause an imbalance in hormones level. Levels like Cortisol, Androgens, and many more are mandatory for the hair cycle to function. Imbalance in them will cause disturbance in hair follicles.

4.            Gut imbalance

If your gut is healthy, everything is healthy, but if your gut has bacteria in it, it will likely be the reason for hair follicles dying. The bacteria in your body that break down the food in micro and macronutrients are the basic need of hair follicles. If your hair does not get it, it will not grow.


Everyone loves to have beautiful, long, and strong hair. It means that people must take care of their health to main hair health and volume. Hair follicles are the elements that help hair to grow. The hair color, shape, and activeness depend on hair follicles. If the hair follicles are active, then they produce strong hair. But when the hair follicles are inactive, it produces damaged hair. That is why you need a hair specialist to take care of your hair follicles and hair.

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